Monday 22nd July.

Today will see selections from a proven system from my portfolio added to Winning Systems selections for a period of time (hopefully permanently). This system (‘IBCH’) has been live for a good while now and these are the ‘Live’ results from this year:

You can see from Feb. and Mar., it is not bomb proof, not by a long way, but it has consistently returned very decent profits over the long term. Last year, the later part of the year performed equally as well as the earlier months, so fingers crossed it can give us something to shout about. I will be adding at least one more system but will probably wait until 1st August now. The results from the new systems will not be added into the official results on the website, until such a time as we deem them to be part of the actual Winning Systems setup.

SystemDateTimeCourseHorseTypeStakeValue PriceBreakfast Price
IBCH22/07/2417:00CartmelGoing MobileChase1.007.656.50
IBCH22/07/2417:00CartmelInto The SunsetChase1.0017.379.00
VBS122/07/2417:25AyrHale EndTurf1.006.717.00
VBS122/07/2418:40BallinrobeThe Black TigerTurf1.007.0729.00
VBS122/07/2421:00BeverleyWhere’s JeffTurf1.006.078.00
